How to Import a CSV Into FlutterFlow

Importing a CSV file into your FlutterFlow project is a simple process, as long as you have Firebase set up. In this tutorial, we will go over how to import a CSV file into your FlutterFlow project.

2 years ago   •   3 min read

By Will Hobick
Table of contents


In this tutorial, we will go over how to import a CSV file into your FlutterFlow project. Before we begin, make sure you have Firebase set up for your project. If you haven't done that yet, you can find it in our documentation or on FlutterFlow YouTube. Once your Firebase is set up, you're ready to start importing your CSV data. Follow along as we go through the process step by step.

How To Import a CSV File

Importing a CSV file into your FlutterFlow project is a simple process as long as you have Firebase set up.


1. Inside FlutterFlow, create a Collection for your CSV data and name it appropriately. For example, if your CSV file contains employee information, you could name the collection "employees".

Create a collection in Firebase and name it "employees."

2. Go to the content manager and open the "employees" collection.

Go to the content manager and open the "employees" collection.

3. Click "Upload CSV" and select the CSV file from your system.

NOTE: This process is only for importing data, not overwriting it.
Click on "upload CSV" and select the CSV file from your computer.

4. Choose the separator for the data in your CSV file. This is usually a "comma", but it could be a different character depending on your specific data. You can also set a limit for the number of rows you want to import if desired.

Select the separator for the data (usually a comma) and set a limit for the number of rows if desired.

5. Preview the data to make sure the field types are correct. In this example, First_Name and Last_Name are String(s), Onboarded is a Boolean, Phone_Number is an integer, and Team_Color is a Color.

Make sure that the field names match if you are adding data to an existing collection!

Header names can only contain alphanumeric characters, dashes, or underscores, and cannot be reserved keywords in Dart.
Preview the data to make sure the field types are correct

6. When you are satisfied with the field types, click "Import" to add the fields to the collection.

NOTE: If you have a large amount of data, it may take some time to import.
Click "import" to add the fields to the collection.

7. Return to the collection and confirm that the data has been added successfully. You should see all the entries from your CSV file listed in the collection.

Return to the collection and confirm that the data has been added.

YouTube Tutorial

Review & Conclusion

That's all there is to it! With just a few simple steps, you can easily import a CSV file into your FlutterFlow project using Firebase.

Start Building with FlutterFlow

If you haven't already tried out FlutterFlow for yourself, now is the perfect time to give it a go. FlutterFlow is a low-code builder for native apps that allows you to design and develop in one tool. You can use drag-and-drop to create pixel-perfect UIs, connect your app to live data through Firebase or APIs, and add advanced features like push notifications and payments. You can even build your own custom widgets or write custom code to use in FlutterFlow. When your app is complete, you can export your code or deploy it straight to the app stores!

So why wait? Give FlutterFlow a try and see how easy it is to build and manage your own applications.

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